fundamenals  creates compelling and timely fundraising appeals

For your appeals campaign to be successful, your donors must be compelled to read your email or direct mail solicitation. At the core of a successful charitable relationship is a nonprofit that has told its story passionately and has inspired giving.

fundamenals creates an attractive layout, concise, well-written content, crisp, clean design and dependable navigation to best convey your message to your targeted audience.

Timing is everything!

Do you know why December is the biggest month for charitable giving. Holiday spirit compels many to give generously, but December is also the last month of the year to credit a tax-deductible donation.

fundamenals fundraising appeals programs follow a calculated timeline.

Email vs. Direct Mail

When sending email appeals to your members, fundamenals uses eye-catching format with engaging photos and attractive colors, and to redirect the reader to make easy online donations. And members can forward your email to their friends!

Yet, some constituents are more effectively reached by direct mail appeals. When sending direct mail appeal letters, fundamenals includes a return envelope and a copy of your latest newsletter or brochure.
